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These are our most popular posts: the ugly damsel
Ugly Damsel
Ugly Damsel Tied by Will Kirousis: I tinkered a lot with the pattern for a few years, creating what we called "Gertrude", which was a big super ugly fly, something like a woolly bugger on steroids.... read moreDamsel in Distress or Desperate in Disguise..... Which one are you ...
Men like SEXY, not SASSY. Keep your fly and ugly comments to yourself. Reasons for not getting married: 1. Fear of failure (Divorce). 2. Fear if she is the right one.... So again I ask, Are you a damsel in distress or desperate in ... read moreThe River Damsel: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly...Tippets to ...
Now, there was Good, Bad, and I stated in my title of this blog. And so it goes...a day on the river isnt always perfect. The , of course, was the class and all the brown trouts that I caught. (Why is it that I am only ... read moreDamsel in de Tech: 10 Ugly Mistakes Women Make that Ruin Any ...
10 Ugly Mistakes Women Make that Ruin Any Chance For a Relationship. Apparently thats the title of an ad that came up on I missed the ad itself and couldnt track it down and now feel like Im missing out ... read more
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